Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Chicago Air Show

During my visit to Chicago over the weekend of August 16 and 17, a big event going on was the Chicago Air and Water Show.  The Air Show featured the Navy's Blue Angels from Pensacola, FL.  I did not actually attend the show, that is, I did not go to the Air Show viewing area along Lakeshore Drive.  But an Air Show like this one takes up lots of sky, so as my daughter and I were doing our site seeing, we could often catch glimpses of the various planes.

Just after getting off the 'L' at the Sheridan stop, we heard the planes, so we stayed on the elevated platform and watched them come overhead.  The main action, naturally, was along the lake front, but it was pretty exciting for us to see them come right over us as they made their turns on the northern side of the Air Show main stage area.

I captured several shots of them flying in formation, and yes, I enhanced this one just a tad to bring out the colors in the airplanes.  If you want to get some great information on the Blue Angels, their web site is  It was such a treat to get to seem them and without braving the huge crowds along Lakeshore.


1 comment:

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

That's a great shot. I was in Pensacola last year fishing on the intracoastal waterway. It was the day before the big air show and those gorgeous blue beauties were pratising routines overhead. What a great day to be able to pull sheepshead and red fish left & right (supper!) and in the process check out a fabulous air show by the Angels. It is a day I will never forget.

OH! And Of course I had my camera. I managed to get one shot between holding my rod in one hand, camera in the other and looking up (on a rocking boat!)! LOL!